Mac’s Blue Christmas

Mac’s Blue Christmas

December.  What happened to the rest of the year, I don’t know.  But, here I am, in my office, looking out over all of the holiday decorations and lights below, and wondering how many Decembers I have spent in my office, this one or any other, and analyzed my...

Welcome Back, Mac

Have you heard? Mac’s back!! I’m so excited to see one of my fav characters come to life again. Thanks to all of you for your notes, comments and support. We’re going live next Weds. Here’s the link if you haven’t already seen the book: A...

The Problem with Naked Selfies

So here’s the thing: why on earth would you want a naked picture of yourself unless you are, you know, a super model or drunk? I can honestly say that most of the time when I stand naked in front of a mirror I am more compelled to drink than I am to take a...

Why Men Go MIA

So I’m single and while I love it most days most of my friends think I should get out there and meet a guy. You know a nice guy as opposed to some of the questionable dates I’ve had in the past. Years ago I worked with an author who married a pretty...