by Christina George | Aug 28, 2015 | Behind the Scenes
So I was in Costco the other day and started thumbing through a copy of Grey. Which, regardless of what you think of the 50 Shades of Grey series, is a brilliant way to continue it. The book is essentially written from Christian Grey’s perspective. Essentially it’s a...
by Dr. Ruth Ann Wilson | Feb 20, 2015 | Dr. Ruth Ann
Several years ago a patient was gushing about how she wanted to meet someone just like Christian Grey in the (then) new release, Fifty Shades of Grey. She said he seemed “perfect.” Out of curiosity I picked up the book and started to read it. The next time I saw her I...
by Christina George | Feb 12, 2015 | Why Women Love
Unless you’ve been living under a rock or on another planet, you no doubt have heard that the 50 Shades of Grey movie is premiering this coming Friday. Being in publishing I’m sort of over the whole 50 Shades phenom. Last week I was in Target and they had 50 Shades...
by Christina George | Jan 17, 2015 | From Christina's Desk
I used to laugh when authors would tell me that someone stole their stuff. Ok, it’s not funny – it’s not funny if it really happened, but in 99% of the cases it didn’t. It was the same sort of idea, along the same lines, but it wasn’t stealing. I often wrote it off as...
by Christina George | Dec 20, 2014 | Musings of a New York Publicist
Life is so unfair. I mean seriously. You know I actually wanted to see The Interview, now, poof, the chances for that are pretty much washed up. Then I thought, you know why the heck didn’t North Korea get rid of a movie that is seriously bad like 50 Shades of...