Nick’s Sexy Christmas Shopping List

Nick’s Sexy Christmas Shopping List

I love Christmas and I really love buying gifts for the people I care about. I’ve been told that it seems like I can read minds when it comes to knowing exactly what to give my loved ones for gifts, especially when it comes to the woman who owns my heart.  I...

Thinking about Mac – I need your input!

So I was in Costco the other day and started thumbing through a copy of Grey. Which, regardless of what you think of the 50 Shades of Grey series, is a brilliant way to continue it. The book is essentially written from Christian Grey’s perspective. Essentially it’s a...

Mac & Sydney Reminisce on Simpler Times

These days it seems everyone loves nostalgia so I thought I’d invite Mac and Sydney to talk about some of their “way back” stuff from their childhood together and some great shared memories. — Mac: Baby, you ready? Sydney: I’m not very good at these things. Mac:...