by Dr. Ruth Ann Wilson | Mar 20, 2015 | Dr. Ruth Ann
For as long as I’ve had my practice, women have come to me talking about their “soulmate.” And I get it. I mean soulmates have been coined as the single most romantic phrase. He’s your soulmate! You two will live happily ever after forever and have a perfect life....
by Dr. Ruth Ann Wilson | Mar 6, 2015 | Dr. Ruth Ann
First off if you have to ask this question, he probably is. Sorry, but let’s be frank. I’m not the kind of therapist to run up someone’s tab just to keep them coming back to delve into whether or not he’s cheating, if you suspect it I bet there’s good reason. If...
by Dr. Ruth Ann Wilson | Feb 6, 2015 | Dr. Ruth Ann
I love this question. Actually, that’s not true. I hate it. Why? Because it’s right up there with “Is he cheating on me?” As they say, if you have to ask… I guess I get my knickers all in a twist over this not so much because the question is slightly inane but because...
by Christina George | Jan 27, 2015 | From Christina's Desk
So I have to tell you I was thrilled to get such a great response to Dr. Ruth Ann’s introduction in Climax! Many of you have written in or included in your reviews how much you enjoyed her candor, her approach to life, and of course, how she kicked Kate’s...