by Christina George | Nov 13, 2018 | From Christina's Desk
My new Harper’s Corner series has introduced a group of besties, affectionally dubbed “The Coven” today I’m turning my blog over to them, so they can share their 5 best at home spa treatments and best, most fun hidden spa goodies on Amazon!...
by Nick Lavigne | Dec 14, 2015 | Behind the Scenes
I love Christmas and I really love buying gifts for the people I care about. I’ve been told that it seems like I can read minds when it comes to knowing exactly what to give my loved ones for gifts, especially when it comes to the woman who owns my heart. I...
by Christina George | Dec 18, 2013 | Uncategorized
Dear Santa, Christmas is getting close and I realized I haven’t sent you my list yet. So here it is and though I didn’t ask for world peace, I tried not to be selfish. Though I do feel that authors-not-behaving-badly would sort of count towards the world peace thing....
by Christina George | Nov 13, 2012 | Musings of a New York Publicist
A friend of mine just emailed, she got a note from a potential client who said “I need to get my book edited in so I can publish it in December and get holiday sales.” Seriously? A week before Thanksgiving? In case no one has been paying attention, the...