Marketing Budgets VS. Shopping Excursions

As much as I sometimes kvetch about the publishing industry, my job and trying to maneuver around outrageous client egos, my friends in the freelance publicity sector always know how to shake me out of moments of self-pity with a good laugh. When it comes to marketing...

Do. The. Work.

I was in Starbucks today, just waiting in line and this gal behind me struck up a conversation. She asked what I did, I told her that I’m a book publicist. Of course, she had written a book. So, she tells me that she’s written a memoir, though, it’s...

The Market Widens

I’m always glad to see new trends emerge and it looks like self-publishing is finally reaching new heights. Though most of here dismissed this form of publishing (and many in NY publishing still do), it looks like the numbers don’t lie. As a publicist,...