by Christina George | Nov 13, 2018 | From Christina's Desk
My new Harper’s Corner series has introduced a group of besties, affectionally dubbed “The Coven” today I’m turning my blog over to them, so they can share their 5 best at home spa treatments and best, most fun hidden spa goodies on Amazon!...
by Christina George | Apr 10, 2015 | From Christina's Desk
So, here’s a funny thing. I had these trading cards made up a while ago (some of you may have gotten them either mailed to you or as digital downloads). Anyway, there was just one card that was shirtless. Of course it was Mac because you know, that boy is always...
by Christina George | Nov 26, 2012 | Things that make me want to change careers
No, I’m not venting about my latest therapy session – that was the line that kicked off our sales meeting this week. While most people are focused on the holidays, family, gift buying, maybe vacations, we’re focused on sex. See, publishing wrapped up the holiday...