A lot of these cable networks love showing really dangerous jobs, like Deadliest Catch, et al. No one, however, ever features a book publicist. Sometimes this job can be deadly, too.

Last week I was at a writers conference (which shall remain nameless) speaking to a particular author who handed me his manuscript. The book was, well, not so great. Actually, it was hideous. I was polite, told the guy I am a publicist and don’t take submissions, but encouraged him to get an agent (with apologies to all my agent friends).

On Monday I got an email from this guy saying he was going to “severe my head” – lovely. My assistant did a reverse trace on it and found out he’s a brain surgeon at one of the major hospitals in the county. Mac, an Editor here at MD thought that was hysterical and said “Well, I guess he’d know about that head severing thing, wouldn’t he?”

Thanks, Mac.

This job needs to come with a warning label.