The Week of Ridiculous Expectations

Maybe it’s because it’s Easter and people are eating *way* too much chocolate but I have found this week, in particular, to be quite entertaining. And by entertaining I mean that I’ve spent most of it ferreting emails or calls from people who went off their meds and...

Who is Nick Lavigne?

When I first created the character of Nick, I didn’t really plan to have him stick around. He was meant as a distraction for Kate and a chance for Mac to see that Kate wasn’t going to stick around and wait for him. Then something happened. Nick happened. And I...

10 Signs of Crazy

So I consider this post a public service because, over the years I think that a lot of insanity could have been avoided if I’d paid closer attention to the signs that a future client (author) was crazy, if not borderline certifiable. So, for those of you who...