by Christina George | Aug 5, 2014 | From Christina's Desk
People often ask me what, if anything, is true in my books and I tell them: most of it, with a few exceptions. About 80% of the author stories are true and most of the publishing stories and characters are real too, including MacDermott Ellis. That’s actually...
by Christina George | Jul 24, 2014 | From Christina's Desk
So book three is finally done and off to the Editor. Actually she’s had it for a while, she’s pouring through it right now. I am completely honored to get so many letters from readers wondering about book three and I was thinking: should I release it in...
by Christina George | Jun 26, 2014 | From Christina's Desk
So I want take the launch of Book Three up a notch for those of you in the Exclusive Reader Buzz Club. Not sure what that is? Get caught up here, you don’t want to miss it! Now I’d like to encourage you to invite 10 of your friends, colleagues, family...
by Christina George | May 20, 2014 | From Christina's Desk
The third and final book in the series of The Publicist is almost done and soon it’ll be ready to publish. I’m more excited than I can express in this blog post! The process of creating these books and then sharing them with readers has been amazing and often...