The third and final book in the series of The Publicist is almost done and soon it’ll be ready to publish. I’m more excited than I can express in this blog post!Times Square - Coming Soon

The process of creating these books and then sharing them with readers has been amazing and often humbling. I am really surprised at the reader response and so grateful to all of you who have read the books, and to all of you who wrote me.

To say “thank you” for your continued support and over 60,000 downloads I’ve created the Exclusive Reader Buzz Club, to offer you an insider’s chance to get an advanced review copy of The Publicist: Book Three (official title pending).

To become part of this club here’s all you need to do:

  1. Write a review for the Book One and Book Two bundle on Amazon:
  2. Email me a link to your review: [email protected]
  3. If you haven’t reviewed it and want to, email me and I’ll send you the eBook bundle for free! Once you read it and review it email me that link.

I want you to be honest, so if you loved it all, hated it all, loved most of it but wanted to strangle one of the characters, doesn’t matter.

And that’s it!

By emailing me a link to your posted review for the Book One and Book two bundle ( you are automatically signed up for the Exclusive Reader Buzz Club and will be getting an advanced review copy of Book Three in eBook!

We’ll also be doing a Twitter party and other fun stuff that we’ll keep you up to date on, you don’t want to miss out!

Thank you for reading and for spending time with Kate, Mac, Nick and Allan.


PS ~ We also have a fun The Publicist trading cards! If you want a set, just include that request with your link to your review and I’ll mail them to you!