So as you know, most of The Publicist series takes place in New York and Southern California, and this is because both places hold a lot of memories for me, some amazing, some not at all amazing, but they’ve shaped me as a person nonetheless and let’s face it – at the end of the day they’re both fab!
But I know where I like to go, so I’d like to hear some of the best places you frequent or have visited in New York or SoCal. It could be a restaurant, bar, bookstore, spa, luxe sex shop – I’m just looking for the best of the best according to our readers! Let’s consider it The Publicist Travel Guide!
Please reply to this post or Tweet me @publicistgal using #ThePublicistTravelGuide. If you’d like your recommendations to remain anonymous (as far as the rest of the world is concerned) you can also email them to me at: [email protected].
Thank you everyone!
Is this the 3rd challenge?