Shady win for Publishing Person of the Year?

So, Publishers Weekly has named E.L. James the ‘Publishing Person of the Year’. For those of you still scratching your heads, it’s okay, because the name isn’t nearly as well known as the insanely successful Fifty Shades trilogy. Yep, she’s that author. And the...

Random Penguin or Penguin House?

No, it’s not the latest cutesy Zynga game for Facebook, it’s a potential buyout. On Thursday rumors spread from across the pond that Random House parent Bertlesmann is in talks with Pearson to acquire its publisher Penguin. Random House is already the largest...

Is Tinseltown raiding publishing?

So, Johnny Depp is going to publish books. The Associate Press reported last Monday that his imprint, Infinitum Nihil, also the name of his production company, is now a part of Harper Collins Publishers. Supposedly Depp will seek “authentic, outspoken and...